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A timeline example from Tanzania

A timeline example from Tanzania

In Tanzania, this toolkit was used to provide structure to campaign planning and development processes. While the campaign was not implemented, the timelines below provide an overview of what can be expected during the initial phases through the development and refinement of campaign materials. However, it is important to remember that pre-testing of campaign materials may occur multiple times if substantial revisions are required.

 Estimated duration
Planning2-4 months
Gather programme team and develop a governance structure 3-6 weeks
Key informant interviews with experts and government officials2-3 weeks
Situation and audience analysis6-8 weeks
Analysis of findings and report development2-4 weeks
Development2-3 months
Develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) package3-6 weeks
Recruit and assess creative agencies 4-6 weeks
Finalise contracting with the creative agency2-3 weeks
Develop a communication strategy1-3 weeks
Develop a campaign concept1-3 weeks
Develop campaign branding, look and feel1-3 weeks
Create key visuals and drafts of campaign communications (e.g., scripts, images, storyboards) 4-12 weeks
Draft campaign materials approved by the CMT2-4 weeks
Plan and execute pre-testing1-3 weeks
Analysis of pre-testing findings, refinement of materials and final sign off2-4 weeks