M&E Plan
This is a document that is designed and developed to monitor and evaluate programme activities and interventions during your campaign. Each M&E Plan is different based on the campaign goals, design, resources available, etc.
M&E plans usually include:
- Programme goal: This was drafted during the planning phase of campaign development to summarise the behaviour(s) your campaign aims to improve. In your M&E plan, link your programme goal to your campaign activities and decide what you will measure to show whether your campaign was successful in achieving its goal.
- Indicators: These are used to define what will be measured during and after your campaign. Well defined indicators can help you track changes and progress made towards achieving your goals over time. Qualitative and quantitative indicators may be used to evaluate whether your programme was implemented as intended, whether your audience received the campaign messages as intended, and more.
- Data sources and collection methods: Once goals and indicator have been defined, figure out where your M&E information will come from, how it will be collected, and at what intervals it will be reviewed. Consider who will also participate in data collection. Some campaigns may use mobile surveys or one-on-one interviews with community members; other campaigns may use market-based surveys, national-level health data or media data.
- Analysis and reporting plan: The information gathered during your M&E activities should be analysed so that your team can learn from your campaign. Identifying learnings can help support decision making, identify areas for improvement in your campaign, ensure accountability and may help inform future IYCF-focused campaigns or activities. Learnings can also support donor updates, reporting and knowledge sharing across your organisation, region and beyond.
Objective: Develop an M&E Plan to guide monitoring and evaluation indicators and activities before, during and after campaign implementation.