Sample Data Collection Planning Table
No matter what kind of data you are gathering for your M&E activities, plan how to collect and record it. Firstly, it is helpful to have a table that includes each of your indicators, the data source, frequency or timing of collection and the person responsible. However, you may have other information you wish to include.
Indicator | Data source | Timing | Person responsible |
Number of television commercials played during contracted time | Media provider | Monthly | Programme team |
Next, once you have developed your table, decide where the data will be recorded and stored. For simple count data or descriptive statistics, a table or spreadsheet can be updated with information when it is collected. Qualitative data may be recorded by a notetaker or interviewer, but analysis tools may be employed for gathering insights. For large surveys, the data collected may be stored in a larger database, within the survey instrument or tool, or aggregated by another tool. Your M&E technical specialist can help you decide which resources will be required to record and store data for your programme.