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The COM-B model behavioural determinants

 Behavioural determinantGuiding statement
CapabilityKnowledge and informationThe primary audience does/does not know about IYCF behaviour.
Skills and confidenceThe primary audience does/does not have the skills and confidence to change their IYCF behaviour. 
Personal beliefsThe primary audience does/does not believe that a change in IYCF behaviour is needed.
OpportunityAccessibility, availability, and convenienceIYCF behaviour is/is not accessible, available or convenient for the primary audience.
AffordabilityIYCF behaviour is/is not affordable for the primary audience.
Social support and relationshipsFamily, friends and other community members will/will not support the primary audience in changing IYCF behaviour.
Social normsIYCF behaviour is/is not acceptable within culture and social norms.
MotivationHabits or routinesIYCF behaviour is/is not part of the primary audience’s habits or routines.
Outcome expectationsThe primary audience does/does not perceive benefit in adopting IYCF behaviour.
EmotionsThe primary audience does/does not experience positive/negative emotions that motivate or demotivate them to implement IYCF behaviour.
Intention and planningThe primary audience does/does not have the intent or plan to act on IYCF behaviour.